Welcome back! You are almost there, tighten that belt and let's dive straight in.
ASHAMED - My main feeling towards my body from such a young age until well, now. I struggle everyday with my physical appearance, but I am working on it. Working on embracing this disease, embracing the factors that I can control, embracing the love and support of my family & friends, understanding that the only person who was making me feel ashamed of myself - was me.
Fast forward to now... I made a decision to use what was making me feel ashamed and turn that into a powerful motivator to create awareness. Awareness for a disease that 1 in 11 women suffer from. Awareness as to how this affects its sufferers. Awareness that having lipoedema is out of our control.
We do not choose this disease, it chooses us.
Awareness on how to not only survive, but to thrive. Awareness that each sufferer has a different story, and benefits from different management methods.
If I can help one person change their feelings from being ashamed of themselves into an active awareness of how their disease impacts them and what makes their management and life easier - then putting myself out there like this is 100% worth it!
We did it! (That comment may be more for my benefit than yours). I am not sure I can express how difficult this was to begin, but hopefully I haven't put you all to sleep and can continue to share my discoveries. Stay tuned for the next chapter of my lipoedema diagnosis, let's embrace lipoedema together.
Much love,